Rabu, 26 September 2012


A. Background
Language functions as a tool to extend the concept, thought, opinion, and feeling. Every nation has its own language as a means of communication within its society. On the other words their language is not only as lingua franca among them selves, but also as the major language of law, government, education, business and the electronic media or printing. But if one nation wants to communicate with other nations, they use English as international communication language. English is very important for dissemination of news around the world.
In teaching learning English program, the teacher must have ability to use the various methods, as prof. DR. Winarno Surakmad says in dasar dan tehnik metodologi pengajaran : “ Metode pengajaran merupakan cara yang sebaik-baiknya untuk mencapai tujuan(1986:23).
In addition N.A ametembun says in metode pengajaran berprogram (1981:1) as follows: “ para guru perlu mempunyai pengetahuan yang komprehensif tentang berbagai metode pengajaran unntuk dapat lebih mengefektifkan pengajaran yang di berikan kepada murid-muridnya”.
Based on assumptions above, the teacher must be able to combine some methods in teaching activities. Games can be part of them. There are many kinds of games ranging from the easy one to must difficult ones. One of the games is puzzles, whose use needs teacher’s particularly skill. This paper tries to discuss one teaching technique that might be able to overcome the teaching problem at junior high school. I choose my topic “teaching adjective through games”. This is expected to be the right method will improve the student’s interest in studying English in a certain situation.
B. The reason for choosing the topic.
The adjective is one of the language materials of SLTP besides, nouns, adverbs, pronouns, interjections, conjunctions and prepositions. It is one dominant constituent of the sentence used in conversation and writing.
As the writer has pointed out above the puzzle games is part of subject of writing and speaking from the first to the third years as practice. On the other hand the puzzle games techniques are has some uniqueness as follows:
1. It needs the student to understand question sentences clearly.
2. It can be done in group or individually
3. The teacher can teach students to practice the language while keeping the class lively and interesting
4. It needs the teacher’s skill and ability to introduce them.
That is why, the writer chooses the topic in order to that the quality of English can be improve.

C. The purposes of the study
The writer of the paper, of course, has some purposes. The purposes that have been taken into account are described as follows:
1. To know the students responses on teaching of adjective through puzzle games.
2. To know the students-teacher interaction in teaching comparison of adjective by using puzzle games.
3. To identify the advantages and disadvantages of using puzzle games in teaching adjective.


A. Definition of Adjective
Marcella Frank in modern English says as follows:” The adjective is a modifier that has the grammatical property of comparison; it is often identified by special derivational ending or by special adverbial modifier that precede that. Its most usual position is before the noun it modifier, but it fills other position as well”. (1972:109)

Based on the opinion above, the adjective is a modifier that has the grammatical property of comparison, and it usually indicates an inherent quality or a physical state.
a. Function of adjectives
The adjective modifies a noun or a pronoun.
- Adjective modifying a noun for example:
The small boy
The boy is small
- Adjective modifying a pronoun for example:
Everybody else
He is small
A number of grammatical structures may function as adjective modifiers of pronoun.
B. Position of adjective
Adjectives occur most frequently before the nouns they refer to or after linking verbs. However, they also appear in several other positions, not only in relation to noun and verbs, but also in relation to pronouns. All the possible positions of adjectives will therefore be described:
1. Adjective preceding
Noun head (pre-Position)
Determiners and descriptive adjectives appear in this position before a noun like:
The tall man sat down quickly.
2. Adjective following
Noun head (post-position)
Cardinal numbers used for identifying or naming:
Chapter 5
The Second World War
Place or time word that usually function as adverbs:
The sky above
The day after, etc.
The adjective enough: - I have time enough.
C. Form of Adjective
Descriptive adjectives have special forms only for comparison such as:
1. Positive degree( two units are compared to an equal degree)

Ex: - as tall as - not as tall
2. Comparative degree( two units are compared to an unequal degree)
Ex: - taller than more - less tall than
3. Superlative degree ( three or more units are compared to an unequal’s degree)
Ex: - the most beautiful - the least beautiful

A. Games as teaching learning activities.
In teaching learning activities as in that of a foreign language, there are many available techniques to transfer the teaching points to students such as demonstration discussion, lecture, games and the like:
“In order to be effective, a game should have among others the following components. First, a game should include an activity to be done or a form of play to be performed. Second, a game should have particular rules to be followed. Third, a game should have objectives to be achieve (Rodgers: 1981 :)”.
The activity should be enjoyable, convenient, comfortable, and interesting for the students. Usually the enjoyable situation will invite the students to take part in learning activities. After getting involved in learning activities, the students will succeed in learning the subject.
In addition, Rodgers says:
“A game will have attention on some linguistic skill, like structure skill, vocabulary skill, and the like”. (1981:3)

Finally, let the writer sum up the functions of games in teaching learning activities. We can use a game as a technique to transfer the teaching point. They can be used as one way to practice the English in all language skill.
B. Procedure
The procedure of applying this technique in the class divided into four stages, where the students are doing the activities as follows:
1. Exposure
- Receiving the sheet of the comparison adjectives list.
- Explanation about the making sentences of positive degree, comparative and superlative degree.
2. Reinforcement
- Do the comparison of adjective task.
3. Practice
- Making question and answer.
- Comparing the good sentences.
- Give some advises to answer the test of the game carefully.

4. Use
- Receiving the sheet of the test.
- Doing the test.
- Discussing the answer of the test.
Based on the explanation above, the writer would like to give a sample of teaching and learning English comparison of adjectives as follows:
1. The activities
Students listen the explanation of the teacher about comparison of adjective:
- Positive degree
Ani is as tall as Ria
Ani is as beautiful as Ria
- Comparative degree
Ani is as taller than Ria
Ani is more beautiful than Ria
- Superlative degree
Ani is the tallest among them
Ani is the most beautiful in our class
2. The Rules
After the teacher explained the lesson, the student discussed it among their groups if the students did not understand. Therefore, they must ask to their friend in the group themselves, they discussed the subject actively.
3. The Performance
The teacher asked each group make the sentences of adjectives by words themselves. Then the teacher asks each group to read their discussion’s result.
Finally, the teacher explains the mistakes of the group and explains to them that in the superlative degree they must compare three units. Then the teacher gives them the post to measure the students’ achievement.

A. Conclusion
After conducting the research of the teaching adjective by using, puzzle games:
1. The puzzle game is effective to teach comparison of adjective. It can improve or develop students writing and vocabulary.
2. It make easier to understand adjectives, especially in speaking of writing.
3. The teaching learning process through puzzle games makes the class interesting and lively, and the students enjoy it.
B. Suggestion
After carrying out the research, the writer would like to give suggestion:
1. The teacher should be able to improve the student’s ability and skills of writing and vocabulary.
2. The teacher should do something interesting in teaching and learning activities. Enjoyable situation will make the learners follow the lesson enthusiastically.
3. Through the result of teaching adjective through puzzle games is better than without it. The teacher should consider some factors, such as the situation of school, the kinds of materials that will be taught and the students.

Hill,L.A. Language Teaching Games(Evan Brother Limited,London,1975)
Rodgers, Theodous. A framework For Making and Using Language Teaching Games (Singapore, 1981)
Frank, Marcella. Modern English (Prentice Hall, INC, New Jersey, 1972)
Surjadi, Jhon. English Grammar (Indah Surabaya, 1986)
Murphy, Raymond. English Grammar in Use (Cambridge University press, London, New York, 1989)

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