Jumat, 24 Mei 2013

SEAMEO QITEP in Science, The 4th International Conference (ICon) on Science Education and Teacher Professional Development

SEAMEO Regional Centre for QITEP in Science is going to conduct the 4th International Conference on Science Education (ICon2013), and we are glad to invite you to take part in the event that will be held on the 9th – 12th of September 2013 in Jakarta (Indonesia).

For the second time the SEAMEO Science Teacher Award will be presented to best science teachers of Secondary School of SEAMEO member countries as a travel grant to attend the International Conference to present their research projects and innovations. Here, you will also have the opportunity to discuss the main aspects and the latest results of Science Education.

The general aim of the conference is to promote international collaboration in Education and Research in the field of science. We invite science teachers with best achievements in science education to join the event, by submitting your abstracts, application form, and CV by 5th June 2013 at the latest.

However, the conference participation is also open for science teachers who are interested in joining the program. Participants of this category, are the self-financed participants for their own accommodation, transportation and program, and will be required to simply submit poster and application form by the same date.

There will be two presentation modalities which are Oral and Poster presentations (the non award participants only poster presentation). We also provide Workshops that will be presented by experts from science education fields.

Organizing Committee


Date and venue


§ Abstract and Registration Deadline: 5 Juni 2013

§ Notice of Acceptance:      17 August 2013

§ Early Bird Registration:  

§ Conference accomplishment:  9 - 12 September 2013


* to be confirmed later


There are two categories of participants as follows:


Best science teacher (the winner SEAMEO Science Teacher Award)

requirement: submit CV, Abstract, Application Form

b. Self-supported: Science Teacher of secondary school

requirement: willing to pay for the transportation, accommodation and program, submit poster of the research, CV, and Application Form

Keynote Speakers

1. Prof. Dennis Goodrum, Professor Emeritus, Science by Doing, Executive Director, Australian Academy of Science.

2. Prof. Hideo Ikeda, Professor, Department of Educational Development, Dean for Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation (IDEC), Hiroshima University, Japan

3. Dr. Rodolfo S Treyes, Chair of Biology WorkGroup National Institute for Science and Mathematics Education Development, University of the Philippines-Diliman, Quezon City, Philipine.

Requirement of Abstract

  1. Write name, research title, school, and email address on the top of the first page
  2. Consist of 150 words at max. (purpose, methodology, result, and keywords)
  3. The research must be a completed research study/project;
  4. The research must have been completed within the past three years;

Requirement of Poster

  1. One poster for each participant;
  2. The poster should be relevant with the research theme;
  3. Poster for paper size A0 potrait orientation

Topic Area of Research

1. Teaching and Learning Science; Development of Science Curriculum; Assessment of Students’ Science Learning and Development;

2. Standardized test, achievement test, high stakes test and other different types of assessment for measurement of science understanding, assessment for learning, formative assessment, peer and self assessment;

3. Teacher Education/Professional Development for Teachers;

4. ICT in Science Education: Computer-mediated experimentation, computer simulation, technology-enhanced learning, interactive multimedia, mobile learning, and e-learning.

All requirements can be sent to SEAMEO QITEP in Science Secretariat at

Jl. Diponegoro No. 12 Bandung, Indonesia by mail or e-mail : icon@qitepscience.org.


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