Minggu, 13 Juli 2014


3 Tips to Increase Your Intelligence Quotient (IQ)

Just as your muscles need a bit of exercise every now and then, so does your brain. In other words, it is essential for you to use your brain often and in the right ways. This in turn will make you more skilled when it comes to thinking and helps increase your focus span. Also, not using your brain too often could hamper your ability to think and reduce your understanding, acquiring and learning potency.
Fear not! Here are five ways that you could use to help squeeze out every ounce of creativity stored in.
3 Simple ways to increase your intelligence quotient:
1. Let go of the remote control- At first, this might seem difficult, however, it is worth the effort. You need to quit the habit of plonking yourself on the couch and staring at the idiot box for an untold number of hours. Too much of TV makes your eyes sore and sucks out the energy from your brain, making it unproductive and lethargic.
2. Bring out those dumbbells- Exercising is often looked down upon, as a waste of time for someone who does care much about being fit. Nonetheless, here, exercise has another reason behind it. Investing some time in exercising gives you a boost to be all the more productive during the time after the workout. It helps clear your head and induces a wave of energy that is often sought after.
3. Read books that you generally wouldn't touch- Whether you're a reader or not much of one, many often refrain from reading books that tend to challenge their thinking ability. You need to get a hold of such a book that is challenging and inspires you to think beyond the content itself. You need to get into the habit of building that excitement of stumbling upon new ideas when you pick a book.

Besides the above mentioned three tips, you should also make it a point to get into bed early and rise early. This practice will give you time to reflect and imagine.
Lastly, if you're a student, you could get yourself an online CD study package.
For instance-
MH Board- Buy MH board class 10 CD packages
CBSE Board- Buy CBSE board class 10 CD packages
ICSE board- Buy ICSE board class 10 CD packages
These are available for all the different boards; all you have to do is type in the relevant set of keywords and buy these innovative study materials online. These study packages are inclusive of exercises that flex your brain to think beyond the obvious. All the best!
Pratiksha Mane is a Management Graduate & writes on Buy CBSE Class 11 Physics Notes and MH Board Class 12 Biology

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8611941

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