Rabu, 02 Juli 2014


Teachers ready for transition

11 June 2014
School staff in Kalgoorlie-Boulder are preparing local Year 6 and 7 students for one of the biggest changes to the State’s public education system - the move of Year 7 students to secondary schools next year.
Kalgoorlie- Boulder Community High School principal Victoria Bogensperger has launched a transition program for students in Kalgoorlie.
“We are working with the eight public primary schools in Kalgoorlie to introduce Year 6 and 7 students to our school,” she said.
The move of Year 7student to secondary school will bring WA public schools in line with the majority of other Australian states/territories as well as most private schools in this State.
Secondary school will give Year 7 students access to the specialist subject teaching and facilities best suited for the new Australian Curriculum.

Mrs Bogensperger said her school would welcome about 250 Year 7 students in 2015.
“We have been providing information at parent evenings and have a group of teachers who are keen in discussing links and similarities in primary and secondary teaching practices,” she said.
“Feedback from primary school teachers is that their students would like to see high school students visiting primary schools so they can ask lots of questions about secondary school life.
“Ensuring students are comfortable during the transition is a priority for all staff at Kalgoorlie-Boulder Community High School.
“By having all schools working together, students and their parents will be well informed about the way our school operates and how we deliver teaching and learning programs.
“Our Year 7 and 8 students will have access to the canteen separately, and they will also have access to support staff if required.”
School staff are being supported with resources, advice, information, professional learning and facilities to deliver the best learning opportunities for Year 7 students in secondary settings.
CAPTION- Kalgoorlie-Boulder High School students discussing the Year 7 transition

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