The six types of tools that are short period seismographs (3 pieces), seismograft broadband (2 pieces), tiltmeter (one piece), electronic distance measurement (EDM) with two reflectors, infrared cameras (one piece) and a mini differential optical absorption spectrometer (DOAS ) of the fruit.
Regarding the installation of six types of monitoring equipment was delivered by Officer Observation Post Mount Sindoro and Cleft (PGSS) Gentingsari Village, District Bansari, Waterford, Java Sumaryanto told AFP on Sunday (11/12/2011).
"Sindoro still tend to fluctuate (up and down) activity). So now mounted as many as six tools to monitor them closely and tightly, "said Sumaryanto.
Sumaryanto reveals the latest data, on December 10, 2011 Sindoro activity remained level II alert status. The air temperature is 24-28 degrees Celsius, relative humidity 78-81 percent. The seismic data recorded earthquake appears nine times in the volcanic (VA), 22 shallow volcanic quakes (VB) and gusts of 27 earthquakes.
Previously on December 8, 2011 uHow temperature of 23-28 degrees Celsius relative humidity between 80-82 percent. The seismic data recorded a tectonic earthquake keali away, one local tectonic earthquakes and gusts of 11 times.
Then on December 9th, 2011, temperatures between 24-26 degrees Celsius, relative humidity between 79-83 percent. The seismic data recorded one tectonic away, one local tectonic earthquakes, earthquake blast five times and one time the earthquake tremors.
Kasub Volcanic Field Observations and Investigations of the Western Conference Bandung PVMBG Hendra Gunawan explained sixth tool was installed in the region as well as the peaks and slopes Sindoro at Monitoring Post Mount Sindoro.
Seismograft short period and broadband seismographs to monitor seismic activity, and EDM tiltmeter to measure the pressure of steam and hot animali top of the mountain region.
"This tool to facilitate decision-making," said Hendra Gunawan.
Hendra Gunawan menungkapkan actually the sixth tool should already be installed on Saturday (10/12/2011) yesterday. However, due to the new officers of Yogyakarta BPPTK come today then it came directly mounted officers.
"Once installed it will immediately be operated to start monitoring Sindoro mountain in detail," Gunawan Hendro turu.
Hendro pemauntauan adding this tool will also be connected to pemauntauan Mount Merapi in the village Babadan, Shaman District, Magelang, Central Java. From there it can be monitored seismic activity that occurred mengenaik in Sindoro.
"Only kegempaanya activity can be monitored in Mount Merapi monitoring post in the Post Babadan, Magelang," said Hendro.
FIVE YEARS Lapindo tragedy: GEOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVEDr. Andang Bachtiar(Arema, an independent geologist, IAGI Advisory Council Chairman, Chairman of Exploration Think Tank Indonesia)FlashbackMount mud (mud-volcano) is the expression of the soil surface (and under the sea) of the emergence of silt derived from the high pressure under the earth's surface. Often the mud volcanoes associated with geological natural causes, because before the incident bursts Louise May 29, 2006, the repertoire of the world rarely documented in scientific literature emergence cases mud volcano triggered by human activity. Because the incidence of emergence in Sidoarjo mud volcano was first in the vicinity of the drilling the Banjar Panji-1, which at the time was having trouble "loss": and "kick" followed by "underground blow-out" (wild bursts below the surface), then linking as a trigger for the mud volcano is very logical.When I first interviewed by the local newspaper about this Surabaya, June 2, 2006, I also have been told that the initial phenomenon of the mud flow is due to wild bursts beneath the surface since that time I had visited the location of the edge of the highway when going to Malang, the city my birth. The phenomenon of surface is almost similar to wild bursts of drilling events that I experienced myself when working in East Kalimantan as a wellsite geologist Huffco 1985. Similarly, the initial opinion of the geology of the Lapindo itself ahli2 which time it had kontak2an with me, and also information on the website EMP (which now been removed) which states that there is communication from the drill hole to the center of explosion within a few hundred meters away from the BJP-one time overcoming the pressure of the well done. The opinion then was first formalized in the form of publications by Richard Davies et al (2007) in the journal GSA Today 17 (2): 4.Over time, geologist2 in Lapindo-began to change his views. Together with leading geologist of BP Migas, Oslo and Japan are facilitated to conduct a review - research in bursts and the surrounding areas, rival publications come out that says that earthquakes, tectonic maturity, and - specifically-motion horizontal fracture stress in the area Porong was the cause of the appearance of the mud volcano.Along with time as well, until now I still contend that the drilling process in the BJP-1 is the trigger of the emergence of the Lusi mud volcano, in line with Davies et al argument2 described, and also the observation that I did on real time drilling charts shown by the police to I 2007-2008.OFF SHOWER?Technical effort to turn off bursts LuSi CAN NOT be separated from the handling of social problems. MUST BE ONE PACKAGE. If not, then do not even think to turn it off. If social issues such as payment of compensation which terkatung2 because the government is very tolerant of performance Lapindo not be dealt promise it is guaranteed that all the engineering effort will be made to experience obstacles in the field. That's what happened today. Although it has been said SBY felt prompted many people from outside and inside which was inspired by the successful handling of a blow out in Montara (NWShelf) and Horizon (Gulf of Mexico) to start thinking again about the source of the deadly blast LuSi, he still can not run as president dr the fact that the handling of social issues until Lusi is still in shambles. So dr awal2 like this before the president is influenced by many parties for undue haste in adopting successful well kill NWShelf or GOM for Lusi, I shout everywhere: beresi also compensation and other social masalah2 (transfer of population, education, highways jams, etc.). Do not just focus tinggi2 talk about the technical. Let the issues be discussed and planned technical expert, but social problems must be escorted and forced to be dealt as soon as possible, so that later on this technical effort diridhloi and ill get public nuisanceBased on scientific technical agreement and keeping-me times discussed at the level of professional associations and among experts lembaga2 government, stated that the first technical effort that is done within the framework headed hrs planning to killing source (not well, because wellnya is no longer kliatan?) Dr is LuSi acquisition of 3D seismic data with a special design such as those designed by kawan2 BPPT SDH and SDH Elnusa and endorsed by forum2 IAGI and HAGI within various occasions within the past 2 years. This new data acquisition becomes very crucial krn will provide a new picture of the subsurface conditions under which LuSi during dikira2 this can only be by various groups, including by the drilling engineer who tried to shut off the well planned drilling program of BJP-1 (mrk using data2 dr drilling engineering BJP-1, tp still need to be corroborated by recent data of 3D seismic to confirm).Data integration and interpretation of new 3D seismic TSB absolutely must be done with the data engineering dar BJP-1 and Relief well afterwards and also dr shallow surface geophysical geological data that was acquired in the fourth year of this erakhir.Especially for professional associations such as IAGI, HAGI, and IATMI, please do not skewed in expressing a variety of technical and interpretation of data, do not repeat the previous kesalahan2 that only one side in favor of certain expert opinions, while significantly growing argument2 the counter dr pendapat2 . Let both these opinions evolve as the line of reasoning can be will benefit the deadly blast mitigation plan later. Let later in the level of decision-making do excercise which is called as: "the probability or uncertainity management", ie making decisions based on uncertainty theory dr various causes and conditions under the circumstances LuSi surfaces. Of course, the decision-making sequence contained more benefit principle drpd harm.CURRENTCurrently an effort to see how far the subsurface damage dg sdg within a 3D seismic survey planning, design, dissemination, and tender. 3D seismic survey is under the coordination and budget Geology and Mineral Resources Board, assisted by the voluntary ; expectations: the end of 2011 a new image sdh subusrface there, so that:
1) Pihak2 who feel bhw bursts can be turned off dg drilling or other technical proposals could with subsurface data that more clearly, not only asumsi2 alone (which is often the other dg also berbeda2), or even can also cancel krn see his damage sdh multi-field, BKN only a single field; so the "cost benefit" was not matched
2) Can be made predictive modeling analysis of subsidence / land subsidence, up in the surface area where the possibility of damage and how the level of danger that can be made risk maps - new-zoning - which is more updated based on data from the subsurface, paddling hrs each yr replaced dg perpres such as for this to happen.
3) Replace the loss or displacement of people and for a long term management plan area they will be "once for all" solution when using the above results no.2
My proposal: it is just that all affected residents around the area coupled with the team of Dr. independent survey of East Java last year and of the results of the hazard evaluation of 3D later, all replaced to complete dg-loss using existing money (dr government borrowing (?) who later charged pd next Lapindo and its management)Later, the area was abandoned administered by a specialized agency (authority?) For research, travel, and other exploration activities whenever possible ...Very likely be done again later exploration and potential exploitation of oil and gas reserves under the mudflow area. Because the probability of the presence of oil and gas reserves (mainly gas) is very big here. Lapindo or anyone interested in helping government affairs in compensation and the mass evacuation could possibly wish to calculate the return on their social investment today.Jakarta, May 23, 2011ADB
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