Sabtu, 28 Juni 2014


How does the teacher's Desired State?  
When the quality of education in this country collapsed from the previous year, the teachers blamed, even some people and social institutions say no incompetent teachers work, but when the quality of education goes up, instead of the Minister of Education who received praise and awards, when it was as if the teacher never there and meritorious.
On the other hand the teacher is always required to teach as much as possible, the system 24 hours per week is also applied, in order to fulfill his obligations as a teacher of teachers, when 24 hours is not sufficient, then the teachers who have allowances, benefits can not be taken, when in fact a teacher saw it struggling with a wide range of behavior of students.
Not to mention the teachers who teach in remote areas and the conflict, when the military emergency in Aceh decades ago, the teacher must teach braved bullets whistle for the sake of the nation, interrogated by various parties, creep and hit the floor when gunfire, not to mention there are kidnapped and beaten.
Mileage distant, like a puddle of muddy terrain, this is the reality of teachers in the border area, for the sake of the future they are willing to teach as officials reluctant to it, but right now they want taken away and raped by those who have only been on the loveseat.

Most Teachers in Children tirikan
Joint Decree (SKB) 5 Minister of the Distribution of Teachers considered detrimental to teachers for implementation requirements will cut 24 teaching hours and the dismissal of thousands of part time teachers.
Chairman of the Federation of Indonesian Teachers Union (FSGI) Listyarti Retno said, teachers must teach a minimum of 24 hours and a maximum of 40 hours to get the benefits of certification, (Neng Zubaidah, Okezone, 2012).
Seeing this phenomenon, it is very difficult to get teachers 24 hours per week, especially those who teach in rural, underprivileged, while many students, but the constraints of inadequate classrooms and educational facilities as it is, and vice versa, yet again they are honor, willing to devote themselves for the betterment of education even though they are not paid.
On the one hand the government wants to improve the quality of teacher certification by providing benefits, but on the other side as if the program is half-hearted, giving teachers the difficulty and exhaustion so that there are teachers who have passed the certification but can not take these benefits, since they are located in schools which only has six classrooms.
Not to mention with the implementation of Curriculum 2013, which was passed by M. Noah as Minister of Education, the curriculum when there are teachers who are oppressed by the loss subjects, plus the problem of shortage of hours. Services as if they were fighting in an era of conflict and in rural areas are not appreciated, and forgotten. Though they had been taught before becoming Minister of Education M. Noah.
Teachers eliminated in the subject area curriculum in 2013, screaming in the liver, with a thousand doubts they await the days when they were executed, as if waiting for someone who was nad'a Azrael to take their lives, like the terrorists who beheaded waiting to die, teaching but there is no tranquility.
As policy makers, should they not hand clapping, selfish implement the program next party without seeing how many people are sacrificed, compare how much you pay each month, O take and how policy makers of their salary per month, it also wants you to trim by removing the eye their lessons, when the heart is not through education programs, it will be so much hurt and struggled.

Civilization Education to Improve Quality
Improving the quality of education, not necessarily by requiring teachers to teach 24 hours per Sunday or remove most of the subjects so that there are teachers who sacrificed, but improve education is to provide training to teachers in accordance with the department, supervise them closely, so they were taught by wholeheartedly and appropriate knowledge, provide complete facilities for every school in the whole of Indonesia and provide welfare to the They suit the needs of the.
Civilization education by making education the container it is really a place to gain knowledge, not as a business most people, both at the central level to the teachers and students themselves. The decision makers do not vary the curriculum curriculum to another because they want to be him as a drafter and inspiration, the teachers do not just relying on the salary, but they are more involved in education, students do not just expect belajarpun poor scholarship without regard to the quality and capability they absorb the learning content.
Manners and morals all very influential element in improving the quality of education, policy makers, teachers and students should have the manners and morals, thus carry out the mandate in the nation, they are equally responsible for the progress of this country. It is impossible to be born good generation in the system when it is populated by people who are not good.
On October 22, 2002, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, enacted the Child Protection Act (Law no. 23 of 2002 on Child Protection). Since the enactment of the Act, teachers have started reluctant to punish students, although the students acting as his will, but every punishment they give instead of blindly or to kill, but to motivate students who are misbehaving so serious.
Child protection law, in particular article 13 paragraph (1), states that every child while under the care of parents, guardians, or other party responsible for the care, are entitled to protection from abuse:
a. discrimination;
b. exploitation, both economic and sexual;
c. neglect;
d. cruelty, violence, and persecution;
e. injustice; and a misconduct described in Article 13 paragraph (1) above to be reaffirmed in Article 16 paragraph (1) and (2) which reads:
1. Every child is entitled to protection from mistreatment, torture, or inhuman sentencing.
2. Every child is entitled to freedom in accordance with the law.
With the law, as if the child is left and pampered, this causes the low quality of education in the regions and the inland regions of conflict ever, because the child's mental attitude and the area was loud and rebellious, even if mothers feel less valuable to them.
Personally I am not legalize violence teachers to their students, but there are areas that we really need to give a deterrent effect to meraka so they want to learn, if we teach children choices, such fine may not need to apply, but each area is different and intelligence child's willingness to learn, and this is a PR us all, whether we need a reliable and qualified generation, or generations always aided when the UN.

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