Kamis, 12 Juli 2012

kumpulan skripsi bahasa inggris terlengkap

Hello  every body…good morning?how are you today..i hope always fine until now..
From this time..i want continue about my article before..yesterday, we have talk about communicative approach..and for this opportunity I will share my research proposal..actually this is mine of my friend. But there is no wrong..i share to you…
I hope this proposal can be useful for all of you and can be reference for all of you…and nice ride guysss…


A Research Proposal


1.1   Background of the Study
            Vocabulary is the important thing for student in the process of  acquiring, learning, mastering and using language the learn. (Richard and Rodger, 2001: 37) said vocabulary is one of the most important aspect for foreign language.
Generally student have some difficulties in learning English, especially in mastering vocabulary. They cannot memorize vocabulary in a large amount, they forget them easily. The success of English teaching learning in school is not sufficient by implementing curriculum concept only but there are more other factor, one of them creativity of teachers in the process. In this case, (Richard, 2007: 243)’ that the teacher is a most significant factor for the success or failure of the introduction of change into the learning process’’.
Based on the statement above, the result of teaching learning process is dominantly determined by the teacher because he is the main factor that decides what and how material will be applied in the classroom.

The growing of English as an international language make many English teacher concerned to help student developed their ability to use it. To master English student have to know a lot of vocabulary especially to know well student speak, listen, read and write.
The creativity can be done by improving or developing materials, media and technique of teaching. The shortage of teaching media sometimes forces the teacher to increase their efforts to support the English teaching learning activity in class. Using a tool or media in teaching learning process is interesting way in learning, such as using flash card.
Flash card can be an alternative way which leads to the teaching in class. (Bard, 2002: 164) said that flash card is effective tool to memorizing spelling word, multiplication tables, in other information that does not require analysis”. But (Charles: 2009: 123) says that flash card is especially useful for memorizing vocabulary words and their definition, dates and history and their significance, and picture at work or their item that you will be responsible for identifying”. Based on opinion above, flash card is a of media teaching of media teaching and enriching vocabulary. And also flash card. And also flash card is one the easy.
Based on statement above, the writer is interested in conducting research on the flash card in teaching vocabulary for his thesis the title this study in teaching vocabulary by the flash card the use of flash card is very useful and helpful for the second year student of junior high school, flash card can attract student attention and develop student interest, flash card can be attract students attention and develop student interest
1.2      Statement of the Problem
a.    How far the effect of using flash card in teaching vocabulary for the second year student of  MA Nurul Iman Mataram in academic year 2011/ 2012.
b.    Is using flash card give contribution in teaching vocabulary for the second year student of  MA Nurul Iman Mataram in academic year 2011/ 2012. 
1.3    Purposeof the Study
a. To know the effect of using flash card in teaching vocabulary for the second year of MA Nurul Iman Mataram in academic year 2011/ 2012.
b. To identification of flash card is using teaching vocabulary for the second year of MA Nurul Iman Mataram in academic year 2011/ 2012.
1.4    Scopeof the Study
a. The subject of this study is limited to effectiveness of using flash card in teaching vocabulary at the second year student of MA Nurul Iman Mataram in academic year 2011/ 2012.
b. This study is loading only at the second year student of MA Nurul Iman Mataram in academic year 2011/ 2012. To intended the effect of the flash card in teaching vocabulary.
1.5  Significance of the Study
                         The are some significant of this study in teaching vocabulary using flash card to the second year of MA Nurul Iman Mataram :
1.   Investigation is contribute the positive effect of using flash card in teaching vocabulary at the second year student of MA Nurul Iman in academic year 2011/ 2012.
2.   Applying visual aids effectively for teaching vocabulary.
3.   To attract the student improving English vocabulary by flash card as learning media.

1.6          Hypothesis
Hypothesis is a proposition or principle which is supposed or taken for granted, in order to draw conclusion or inference for proof the point in question, assumed for the purpose of argument or account for a fact on occurrence.
Surveys hypothesis reviewing continuity, stimulus sampling and the conversion of leading conditioning to a non continuity position (Erlbuum, 1975: 313).
So it is hypothesis that needs to be a temporary answer to prove hypothesis in this study is follows :
a.    Alternative hypothesis (Ha): Teaching vocabulary through flash card media is give good effect for student in learning English vocabulary at the second year of MA Nurul Iman Mataram in academic year 2011/ 2012.
b.    Null hypothesis (Ho): Teaching vocabulary though flash card media is not give good effect for student in learning English vocabulary at the second year of MA Nurul Iman Mataram in academic year 2011/ 2012.

1.7          Definitionof Key Terms
To avoid misunderstanding and misinterpretation of variable    research. So, it is necessary to clarify of each item is follows :
1.7.1 Effect
 The effect is a result, outcome of the action, (Oxford Dictionary). The change  produced by in action of course, result or outcome (Hornby,1983: 38). The ability of power to have notice able desired effect (Quire, 1979: 159).

1.7.2 Flash  
Flash is a vector animation software, originally designed to create animation for display a vector is ideal (Mischook, 2983: 21). Flash on it define is implies to flash for learning tool which can help the teacher is teaching vocabulary.
1.7.3 Card
Card is the card printed with words or the pictures which can be handled easily by the teacher (Wright, 1976: 73 ). So, card is a study tool, a piece of paper that is used as a learning aid.
 Card is memorization word. Card can bear simple text, vocabulary, historical dates, formulas, or any subject matter that can be learned via a question and answer format. Card is widely used as a learning drill to aid memorization by way of spaced repetition. (Wikipedia the free encyclopedia).
Card is printed  words or numbers and briefly displayed as part of learning. (www.answer.com/ topic/flashcard)

1.7.4 Teaching
 Teaching iswork of teacher (Oxford Dictionary: 2007). On other word process of delivering something to somebody through oral and written term.
So,definition of teaching is given instruction to some body, cause somebody to know or able to do something, give to the somebody knowledge (Hornby, 1974 : 886).
1.7.5 Vocabulary
 Vocabulary islist of words and often phrases usually arranged alpha   ethically and define or translated (Mario Pei, 1989). All the word that  oneknows or uses (Oxford Dictionary).

Another definition of vocabulary as total number of word which make list of word and phrase usually in alphabetically order with definition meaning word (Glories, 1993: 27). So, vocabulary is using word in alphabetically which has definition and meaning.

2.1    Definition of Flash Card
            Flash card is a study tool, a piece of paper that is used as learning aid. The purpose of using flash card is memorization word. Flash card can bear simple text, vocabulary, historical dates, formulas, etc or any subject matter that can be learned via question and answer format. Flash Card is widely used as learning drill to aid memorization by way of spaced repetition (Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia).
            Since the 1980s, computer-assisted language learning has been developed to make memorization word easier and more effective. Electronic Flash Card can bear not only text and picture but also sound, which proves very useful for language learning. Moreover, computers can employ spaced repetition to improve memory retention. The teacher can make or take the text from magazine, newspaper, or book which is related to the first student of junior high school material.
a.  The Advantages of Flash Card
According to Micheloud’s (2009), there are many advantages of using Flash Card games in the classroom, they are:
1.        Easy to make (any stiff paper material can be used to make Flash Card. Basic Flash Card can be constructed by cutting a pieces of A4 copy paper into eight to ten rectangles for more  reusable cards. Make blank cards and laminate with laminate covers or clear contact. Write word into the cards with a board marker and then wipe clean to later use).
2.        As a medium, they give considerable teacher control  the teacher can prepare exactly what he/she wants and can show the material.
3.        They are easy to handle and to store (there is no technical problem: the card must be strong enough no to bent and flop).
4.        Attract the student (students usually want to know what it was).
5.        Kind of Flash Card

Flash card is probably the most accessible language teaching tool available to teachers. There are commercially made packs of flash cards. There are flash card of various shapes and sizes made to go along with every child’s English course series.
There is downloadable flash card on the internet; flash card can be made using clipart or even hand drawn by those with artistic talent, such as noun flash cards, verb flashcards, animal flash card, and shape flashcards (Whelan, 2010).

b.   The Role of  Flash Card
The role of flash card is according to the latest statistic the educational method based flash card are becoming more popular have been laid in the basic of numerous effective solution are widely applied in various sector. The role of using flash card studying process are obvious, there are no doubt that solution will make good impression on each student and will allow to pass an exam on the first attempt,
First of all flash card are up-to-date solution training techniques and innovation spirit in a single learning more and more effective, as it is known innovation always attract the attention of student. Innovation are always appreciated by student and find the more interesting and convenient it should be pointed out flash card are easy to use and more interactive with student unlike boring book to read.
Another role flash card is that are well structured very informative when preparing for a licensing exam, for example many student often find difficult to understand words necessary to study with using technique order student easy to understand words.
Flash card have recommended as very good and effective solution the small sized, compact and contain the most importance information techniques are often used by student to study new terminology.
The role flash card will a take important place in the preposition strategy, it is proven method can proudly boast of the best result and achievement after implementing flash card into our licensing text preparation system have a huge progress very quickly, flash card is a game can help student to easy learning English vocabulary.
The role flash card will be make studying process easy to demonstrate a serious attitude to studying process and go though all classes attentively our flash card can really help student difficult learn English vocabulary (Martin, 1987: 54).
c.    FlashCard in Teaching Vocabulary
          One of the media of education that can be used in teaching is flash card. As Hubbard (1988: 21) explain that “ flash card is  small pieces of card with pictures / word on them, used as teaching aids. Flash card olso can be made by cutting out the pictures from the magazine, newspaper, books, or any other sources, and there are clued into a heavy paper. flash card can be used to explain or practice language items including the vocabulary items.
            The flash card can help the biginning students to associate the meaning of word with the objects they see in the flash card. It is also not expensive and it can be used to build up the situational context. So it can make the teaching learning process more effective. In order to make  students confidents that they will be able to sucessfully deal with a communicative in the classroom, the teacher must carefully grads the process leading to the visualized in the advanced communicative activity. This process should in general consist of the following steps:
1.                  Motivating the students by starting the aims of the lessons and by pointing out the real life relevance of the target activity.
2.                  Establishing convidence in the students that they will be able to cope with the problem by pointing out the review and the intoduction necessary language materials with help them to solve the set task.   

2.2      Media in Teaching
Media is singular medium are storage and transmission channel or tool used store and deliver information or data. Is referred a synonymous with mass media or news media. In addition media is affect communication patterns, organization structure and turn the nature of organizational making process communication (Daft, 1984: 23). 
            Teaching in general is very complex, but people often think that teaching is very simple process that produce simple outcome. Teaching in addition. Takes a place complicated social institution which is filled with different people. According  to Nana Sujana, teaching is guiding the students interest, learning activity, organizing the students environment forcing and developing  the students motivation to learn English vocabulary  (Sujana, 1988: 7).
            In teaching  increasingly teacher have developed technique that can function as aid to them. Not all of the students can be taught by talking a lot, becouse we have found that many students can learn better by reading, researching, seeing pictures or film, working at the teaching machines or playing sophisticated games (Joice, 1986: 1 ).
             Student as the object of learning experience out encounter of various fields and learning have to mastering the material of English in learning process (Richard, 1987: 2).
Student will mastering in the learning vocabulary if the lessen is represent by the following direction :
a. Materials will focus on the communicative abilities if interpretation, expession and negotiation.
b. Materials will improve different kind of text and different media, which the learners can use to develovep their competence throough a variety of different activities and text.
c. Materials will focus on understanable, relevant and interesting exchange of imformation rather on presentation of grammatical form.
            When we specify our teaching in English language, teacher we will face the problem that the students which is  learn English as a foreign language like student lack of the language target exposure. This problem will  more complex problem when the students easily toconvince that learning a foreign language is drudgery. It will take student  find the learning situation in the classroom not interesing, this meansa teacher present the materials in the mechanical way, and verbal explanation is not so clear. So, it is hard for the students to gain clear and accurate meaning of word. To overcome it, teacher could be  promoting a friendly environment in the classroom. Like show attractiveup tehnique and variety in teaching.
a.    The Meaning of Media
                         In general media can be any object or agreement of object use as devise provide human being with the parallel meaning. Media are use in teaching instruction and information  (Deflaur, 1985: 33), so media is on decide which is used in teaching instruction and giving information for student in learning.
                        Related to the use of the media in a formal and informal instruction there are many kind of media, one of them is media of education. Media education give aids and also technique to make communication and interaction between teacher and students more effective. Talking about media of education, we will see that aids can be classify as media of education.

Hamzah (1988: 26) classified the aids in media of education as follows:Audio (Cassette tape recorder), visual (Picture, paper, photo, cartoon film script), audio (TV, and radio).
b. Why We Use Media
            Actually in real life situation people do not always have a concrete experiencing while the verbal one is not always intelligible. Sometime the message or information giving verbal is not clear and cannot be obsorbed as we wanted becouse in formation is an abstract one. By using the media the information that we wanted to get can be obsorbed easily. To substitute them to the nearest situation we need pictures. This condition will play important roles.
             Lueck (1988 : 48) expressed his idea that we must use the media because the use of auditory stimuli in the classroom after make the impression vague and in complete. So the use of visual and involving other sense are needed.
            The effectiveness of visual aids in language teaching has been universally acknowledge. A pictures is a worth thousand words implies that visual channel of trasmitting information is superior involves the transmission of information specifically through the auditory chanel by means of linguistcs signs. Visual aids are used to help the student in achieving the desire learning outcomes. First year students of Junior High School who learned English for the first time need continues help from the tracher in other to have a clear insight.
                    The use of visual aids in teaching learning English gives keep memory traces to the students that can help students to recall the words that have been given before easily. They helped very much during the teaching learning process in the classroom. They are able to retain most of the words given and to recall them later in the next activities. So, visual aids is very helpful for the student . Media of erducation is able to put the important basic for development in studying and make the lesson stay permanently in the students’ memory.
        The use of media also varying in teaching learning process that make it more interesting. Such is situation enthusiasm and interest  can help increase the students motivation in learning. There are some misconception use media in teaching learning as:
1.         Some people think that media of education is only suitable for children.
2.         Media of education is aids which stands alone and apart from teaching learning process.
3.         Media can substitude the teacher, it is not impossible becouse there is no aids which can substitute the teacher.
4.         Some people think that bit is more expensive than words, it is also more exact in it’s using. It needs the teacher who have ability to use the aids in appropriate subjects.

2.3      Vocabulary in Learning English as Foreign Language
The vocabulary for production in learning English as a foreign language is different from that needed for recognition (Heaton 1943: 3) discusses the different between production and recognition skill to memorize vocabulary.
Production or productive skill is strategies that activate one’s storage retrieving the words from memory and then by using those words in appropriate situation. This productive skill employs vocabulary, words that students understand, can pronounce correctly, and use them in speaking and writing.
As for recognition which also called comprehension  or reception is the skill to understand store  that words that students recognize and understand when to occur in a context. A certain context like in reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
Vocabulary is an indispensable element of language that language learners need to acquire. The vocabulary which are meant here are only the basic vocabulary related to the material.
Vocabulary is a list of the word in a language with their meaning (Hornby, 2000: 1331). There are several aspects of lexis that need to be taken into account when teaching vocabulary. The list below based on the work of Gaims and Redman (1986) :
a.    Polysemy: A term to refer to word which has a set of different meanings which are related by extension.
b.    Homonym: A term to refer to one form, which is the same in both written and spoken, with two or more unrelated meanings.
c.    Metaphors: The meaning of the word not the literal meaning of the words.
d.   Synonym: Sameness of meaning which is not concerned with the conceptual meaning of words, but relation of words which have, more or less, the same conceptual of meaning.
e.    Antonym: Oppositeness of meaning.
f.     Affective meaning: The meaning of words which reflects the personal feelings of the speaker, including attitude to the listener, or attitude to something he is talking about.

1.    learning Vocabulary
                        Learning vocabulary is a important part of learning a language. The know more words will be able to understand what does hear and read, student put a tick or cross every words dictionary in at looking up, turn to page with marked word, and quickly check to see if to remember the meaning of that word.
                   The above ways, doing something with the word. It usually not enough to just read though a list of words with definition or translation and try to remember. Most student find to memorize words better of do something, even better to try and learn the word in a typical combination with other words.
Learning that apologize means to say sorry is a good start, but it’s much better to learn a whole expression containing the words, not only is this often easier to remember information and how the words it can be used.
Vocabulary can be divided into two groups passive vocabulary and active vocabulary. Passive vocabulary contain all the words when we read or listen. Active vocabulary is all the words plus all the words that can use active vocabulary.
Vocabulary is automatically acquire new vocabulary by determining from context the meaning of word that are unknown, miss understand or used new science where context include surrounding text, grammatical information (Erhlich, 1995: 17)
2.  English Vocabulary
English vocabulary is really a lot more complicated and therefore a lot more difficult to learn, than the vocabulary of some other language. English vocabulary is exceptionally large, and to fluent in English, a command of many more words than is the case in some other language. Furthermore, English is unusual in that it use word formation system that are great deal more complex than those find in many other language, it has several different system each of which only applies to a limited portion of the total vocabulary.
In practice this means that even advanced learners of English are more likely to meet words do not recognize than learner of many other language with an equivalent amount of experience.
English vocabulary involves two very different types of learning. The item that make up the vocabulary system language used to exploit it’s vocabulary items small vocabulary a lot of complicated system vocabulary (Ringboom, 1983: 27).

3.1    Method of Research
Method of research is general produce to investigate analyze problem. The objective to find out answer the problem set up, the method applied in this study descriptive method by giving a test to the student the teacher which aimed find out the teacher role and improve student the effect of using flash card in teaching vocabulary of MA Nurul Iman Mataram in academic year 2011/2012.
Arikunto in Nahdiatun (2004: 17) states that the form research could be determined from the variable of the study whether the research is quantitative or qualitative. Furthermore, Nahdiatun (2004: 16) states that “quantitative research is related to the data will be gathering in the numeral form.
The method which bridging in this research is quantitative method by applied flash card of MA Nurul Iman Mataram in academic year 2011/ 2012.

3.2  Populationand Sample
a.      Population
             Population is the number of the people having at least the same characteristics (Hadi, 1989: 1220). Therefore, population is all individuals that are prepared as research subject, in addition population is a set or collection of all elements possessing one or more interest attribute.
Therefore, population of this study is the second year student of MA Nurul Iman Mataram in academic year 2011/ 2012, which is consist 29 students. 
b.      Sample
            Sample is a small part or something intended as representative of the whole, or a set element drawn from analyzed to estimate the characteristic of a population.
In addition population is less than one hundred, and then is better to take all population as the object of sample of research. Moreover, if the population is more than one hundred, it is suggested to take 10-15% or 20-25%, theses number of population is fairly representative.
So, the sample of this study is consist of one class, which is amount 29 student  of the second class of MA Nurul Iman Mataram in academic year 2011/ 2012. 
3.3      Method of Collecting Data
Data mean all information that are directly gathered from the subject. The data are the items obtained from respondent after (instrument) which is given the student. In collecting data this research would like to point art some of collecting data ways is follows :
a.    Document
Document is records communication or facts with help to the marks, words, or symbols ,a document to establish one or several facts. And can be relied upon as proof.  Document function as evidence of activities
Some this problem of the text versus situation disappears if one abandons the text base assuming shallow representation evidence (Laird, 1983: 13).
b.    Interview
Interview a some formal discussion between a hire and applicant on candidate, typically in person, in which information is exchanged with the intention of established the applicant suitability for a passion.
Interview argues conventional method interview tend suppress respondent’s conventional method of interpretation (Mishler, 1986: 9).
c.    Questionnaire
Questionnaire is list of the research or survey questions to asked the respondent, for obtaining the data in researching, and designed for extract specific information.
A good questionnaire is one help directly achieve the research objective, provides complete accurate information is easy for both interview and respondent to complete, is so designed as take make second analysis interpretation (Burn, 1983: 208).
According to (Walgito, 1990: 124), questionnaire is a number of meeting question which used for getting information from correspondence that mean respond about the selves or something else which have been known. So that we can know that questionnaire is the amount of question which used for get the information from the respondent in a report about personal of knowledge.
So, the procedure of collecting data for this research is document will be used because refer to word, notes, and picture which can accomplished this research. 

3.4        Data Analysing Procedure
Analysis data is commonly used form of scientific research study in which went or occurrences are said to be result of certain input states leading to a certain outcome, output state following a set process  learning (Veryard, 1984: 212). 
Furthermore, procedure analysis data is a process of inspecting, cleaning, transforming, and modeling data with the goal highligh useful information.
In addition, analysis data is a particular data technique that focuses on modeling knowledge discovery for predictive rather than purely descriptive purposes.
Therefore, to cover the data for this research will be analysis by descriptive quantitative and allow the following step:
a.    Submit students score of using flash card media in teaching vocabulary.
b.    Clustering  student score from upper to lower score.
c.    Insert student score into the table.
d.   put into  student score into the following formula.
Kd = r2 × 100%

K= effect of using flash card in teaching vocabulary
r2 = student score in teaching vocabulary by flash card
e.    Take a conclusion.
f.     The last conclusion of this research based on following interpretation.
Effect of using flash card
Level of effect
9,6 – 10
8,9 – 9,5
7,6 – 8,8
6,6 – 7,5
5,6 – 6,5
3,5 – 5,5
0 – 5,5
Very good
Fairly good
very poor


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