Kamis, 12 Juli 2012

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Hallo everybody..nice to meet you again..today I will continue my article before..yesterday we have talk about my research proposal under title ANANALYSIS OF STUDENTS’ ABILITY IN CONSTRUCTING VERBAL AND NOMINAL SENTENCES ACASE STUDY  AT STUDENTS OF SMP N 2  WEST NORTH PRAYA IN ACADEMIC YEAR 2011/2012. And now
I try share my other research proposal below..i hope can useful for you..and can be reference for all off you…
Thank you, have visit my blog..


IN SCHOOL YEAR 2006-2007






            This introduction presents and discusses the (1) background of the study, (2) statement of the problem, (3) objective of the study, (4) scope and limitation of the study, (5) significance of the study, (6) assumption of the study, (7) hypothesis of the study, and (8) definition of key terms.
1.1.  Background of the Study
            Chapter 31 verse (2) UUD 1945 state the government to perform national education system. In this case, ministry of national education announced the movement to increase of education quality on May 2nd 2002, this situation is the suitable moment for anticipate the whole world era, specially for free trade of ASEAN countries like AFTA (Asean Free Trade Area) and AFLA (Asean Free Labor Area).
            In global era the human being is paced by many problems so in national education system is designed based on the four basic namely learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together and learning to be.
            Relate with curriculum the practitioners make observe and analyze to education system and running curriculum based competence which emphasize competences in teaching learning process, because as we know in teaching, generally the people always hear about failure of a curriculum, because it is the main factor as the guide at school. So in our national education system it always is changed.
            Curriculum based competence is one concept of curriculum which are emphasize at developing of ability to do assignment competence by certain performance standard so result can be feel by students as the mastery toward certainly competence (curriculum 04).
            Competence is knowledge, skill and abilities as capabilities that person achieves which becomes part of her or his being to extent he or she state factory perform particularly, cognitive, affective and psychomotoric behavior. (Mc. Ashan, 1981: 45).
            While according to Finch and Crunilton (1972: 22) the meaning of competence as the assignment mastery, attitude, skill, and appreciation which need to support of successfulness.
            Especially for English teaching, competence through some element in literacy approach namely linguistic competence, language act competence, sosio-cultural competence and strategy competence which are emphasize oral siclus and written siclus that producing of text namely narrative, procedure, SPOK, recount, report and news item.
            The language act competence is exercise to do speech act and rhetoric in oral context and written context (curriculum 200) and than literacy approach is one concept of reading and writing approach that must be developed base on the real of learning process which use motivation as the main factor.
            Then narrative is a story telling may be factual or fictional (imaginative) or to telling of a story. The terms are used here to describe the relating of an experience.
            Writing for the students is very important to develop oneself as the thinking human being, but in fact, there are many students who have down skill in narrative writing.
            In the study focus toward students narrative writing by using language act competence in literacy approach base on curriculum 2004, which use language act competence as the basic competence in literacy approach at teaching learning process and the effect of language act competence in literacy approach toward teaching learning process.
1.2.  Statement of the Problems
            Base on the background of the study can be formulate the statement of the problem.
  1. To what extent is the level of narrative writing by using language act competence in literacy approach?
  2. To what extent is the effect of language act competence in literacy approach toward narrative writing?
1.3.  Objective of the Study
            Base on the statement of the problem above, the general objective of the study is primarily intend to find out the level of narrative writing by using language act competence in literacy approach and the effect of language act competence in literacy approach toward narrative writing.
  1. To find out the level of narrative writing by using language act competence in literacy approach.
  2. To find out the effect of language act competence in literacy approach toward narrative writing.
1.4.  Scope and Limitation of the Study
            To lead the writer to specific field of discussion as well as to focus on the problems of this study need to describe a certain scope of investigation.
This study is concern with the level of narrative writing and the effect of language act competence toward narrative writing at the first year students of SMAN 1 Lb. Haji in the school year 2006-2007.
            Particularly the scope and limitation of the study can be formulate as follows:
  1. Subject
The subject of this study is the first year students of SMAN 1 Lb. Haji in the school year 2006-2007.
  1. Object
The object of this study the effect of language act competence in literacy approach toward student narrative writing.
1.5.  Significance of the Study
            The present study hopefully will be of some uses as follows:
  1. Theoretically
a.       The result of the study is expected to gives contribute toward narrative writing student.
b.      The result of this study is expected can solve student’s problem in their difficulties at narrative writing.
  1. Practically
a.       After the teacher knew the effect of language act competence in literacy approach, they are expected to increase their ability toward teaching learning process in narrative writing base on CBC.
b.      It is expected to help students in solving their difficulties in narrative writing or to improve the achievement in writing.
1.6.  Assumption of the Study
            It is important to draw some assumption to avoid which many cause bias in the study, this study assumes it
  1. The first year students of SMAN 1 Lb. Haji use language act competence in literacy approach towards student’s narrative writing.
  2. The first year students of SMAN 1 Lb. Haji able to write of narrative
1.7.  Hypothesis of the Study
            Most of scientific researches are point to evaluate the hypothesis present. Hypothesis is statement which needs answer and it also necessary to prove it is truth, Surahman Lukman Hakim (2000: 8), states that hypothesis is the tentative, formulate in research to get the truth answer.
1.8.  Definition of Key Terms
            To avoid misunderstanding on the readers, it is essential to give clarification about the terms used in this study.
  1. Language act competence is competence to do of speech act and rhetoric in oral context and written context.
  2. Literacy approach are reading and writing approach in teaching learning process.
  3. Narrative writing is the mode of discourse that presents a sequence of event occurring over a period of time, in telling a story or relating event it is useful to organize the events in chronologically order.

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